Sunday, July 22, 2007

Here comes the son

At long last, my baby boy has arrived! Olujimi Ayomide Toluwani Eso was born at 4:00 pm on Friday, July 13, 2007. He was a big (!) boy weighing in at 9 lbs 4 oz. He is 20 inches long.

We decided to have Dr. Rushing induce me on Friday morning, since my mom would not be able to make it sooner than her scheduled ticket of July 20th. Why wait any longer than necessary? And, I have a friend with a birthday on the 15th and another friend w/an anniversary on the 15th, so I wanted him to have his own day, even if it was Friday the 13th. Although, that superstition is lost on me because of my faith in Jesus Christ. Anyhow, the day went as such:

We woke up on time, but I was moving really slow. I don't know if I was dragging my feet intentionally or what. I asked Dapo to stop at McDonalds, because I knew once I got to the hospital I would not be allowed to eat until the baby was born. They tell you not to eat before you come in (because of the Caesaren risk) but I was not going to be hungry AND in labor. We arrived about 7:15 am and checked in. It wasn't long before Belinda, the Pastor's assistant, came in. She had told me she would be there at some point during the day, but I didn't realize she was in it for the long haul. I was taken to my room, given a gown, and put in bed. They started the IV drip, and fluids. The nurse asked if I wanted an epidural, and I said no. She then asked am I totally against it or just not wanting it now. I said I was "pretty much totally against it". Which, in retrospect, wasn't very definite. Wendy (the RN) hooked up the baby heart monitor and contraction monitor to my belly and left the room. Dapo had gone to get our belongings and Belinda and so I was alone in the room. So, I watched the screen, and it looked as though I was having contractions, but I didn't think they had administered Pitocin yet. When Wendy came back in the room I asked if she had started the Pitocin yet and she said, no, that is you, honey, not me. I said that maybe I would not need the drip after all and she said that I was still getting the drip, because the contractions I was having were way too weak. But, I was thrilled to have "started contracting" on my own.

It was about an hour before the Pitocin started producing painful contractions. I had read a book entitled Supernatural Childbirth, and had hoped for a painless childbirth. When the contractions came they caught me by surprise and I was hardly able to breathe through them. I really had not gone into it prepared for a natural childbirth. By hour four, I was asking for something to take the edge off. As it turns out, there is no "edge" to labor, and after about an hour of demmoral (sp?) I asked for an epidural. Dapo was supportive of anything that would distance me from the excruciating pain I was feeling. Really, all the demmoral did was make me sleep off. I woke myself up several times snoring, and saying things from the odd dreams I was having. For instance, the night before Dapo and I had got the family chicken meal from Publix (a supermarket in the South). They have two types of potato salad in the deli to go with the meal. One is Southern and one is the New York style. Dapo once bought the NY and I have since asked him to get the Southern style. One dream I woke up saying "and I want the NEW YORK potato salad" to which Dapo, not realizing my dream-like state, replied, "but, you like the Southern potato salad". That woke me up. I also dreamt about men in coats bringing me Oreo cookies. I should note these dreams took place around the noon lunch hour.
I don't remember much once I was given the demmoral, something I would change if I could go back in time. I would basically sleep until a contraction, and then say "ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow" through the contraction. I had no plan, no breathing, etc. I kept telling the nurse I had to go to the bathroom, which she kept telling me that those feelings were not going to go away until after I had delivered the baby. She said it was the baby making his way down, and putting pressure on that part of my body. I really only remember complaining all afternoon about needing to go to the bathroom. Finally the anesthesiologist arrived, and gave me the epidural. I remember leaning forward...all dopey like. I remember having a contraction or two while he was working on me. And, then he said I'd feel a shooting pain down my leg, which I did, but did not care about. With the epidural, I had to get a catherter because I would not be able to have the sensation of when to urinate. At this point I had an IV in my arm, a blood pressure taker on the other arm, an epi in my back and a catheter in my front.
After awhile on the epidural, the demmorol started to wear off, and I felt much better. I was progressing rather slowly, though, with only going from a 5 to an 8 in four hours. Because the baby was off to the side and not aligned straight, the contractions were not "being effective enough" and they decided to do an internal monitoring to check those. I was not looking forward to another cord hanging from my body, but thought the contractions were too painful to be not doing their job. Since I mentioned I was still feeling the contractions, and was incessant about my need to push and go to the bathroom, they had the anesthesiologist come back to give me another something else. I felt the cold water sensation go down my back, and then I really started to feel much better. I did ask him how come I couldn't go to the bathroom, and he said because I don't have any legs (which was true, they were a bit numb). Besides, he said, I might have the baby in the toilet. I retorted, well isn't having the baby the goal here?? Nonetheless, I did not feel like going to the bathroom for the first time all day. I bet the nurse felt better, too, not having to hear about it. Aftger that, I had a slight fever and also had had high blood pressure all morning (if you backtrack in my blogs, you will see I had a health blood pressure throughout pregnancy. When I checked in this morning, I had 156/92. Yowsa.) I asked for a wet washcloth to try to bring my fever down.
About 45 minutes after that happened, I thought the medicine had worn off because the nurse had come in to increase my pitocin dosage, and I told her are you sure I can't go to the bathroom? She reiterated for the umpteenth time that I was going to feel that pressure until after birth. I said, I really want to push, are sure I can't? She said, well, maybe you've progressed, let me check you. This was about a quarter after 3. She did, and I remember hearing her say "oh, yeah, you're ready". The next thing I know the bed is folding down, stirrups are being raised up, the Doctor is being called, the Batmobile turns up. She told me what I was going to do and how I was going to do it. The contractions never did get very close together, and I had to wait for each contraction before I could push again. She wanted three pushes for a ten count on each contraction. So, the first set was more like a practice set. It wasn't until the third set I really reached deep and found the strength to push hard. I probably pushed about 5 or 6 times of 3 each. I pushed for forty minutes. Dr. Rushing did arrive (like a mighty rushing wind) for the last two contractions. I heard Dapo say I can see his hair. Then, I can see his head, then the head is out. Although, he did not need to tell me the head was out, I was rather aware of that one. I could not get him out on the second to the last push, I was really starting to get tired. But Dapo's play by play was keeping me encouraged. Dr. Rushing helped massage the area where the baby's head was stretching. By then the people who weigh the baby and do the tests had joined us, and they were really getting excited everytime I pushed. So, I just kept trying to push with all my might. They set a towel on my abdomen, and I know from watching the videos this means I am really close to holding him. The last push on my contraction he came out. Dr. Rushing handed him to me right away. I was so happy to see him!!
He was SO cute! I noticed right away that he had Dapo's nose, and Dapo's eyes, and Dapo's lips, and Dapo's forehead, and he started to cry. It was the cutest little baby cry I'd ever heard. Dapo and I kissed and Dapo was just so happy, and so proud. I helped dry him off, and they took him and weighed him and etc. Dapo took pictures. They brought him back all bundled up. Meanwhile, they are stitching me up and getting the placenta delivered. I remember saying, I thought I was done with pain. But it wasn't very terrible, and certainly was pale in comparison.
What a precious gift from God. It has gotten late and so I will have to conclude for the night and try to jot more memories of labor and the hospital stay another time.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Oh, I thought he was joking!

Today we saw Dr. Rushing again. I had only gained one pound, my uterus was 38 cm, and my blood pressure was 118/76. The baby's heartbeat was at 154. I am now dilated to 5 cm, and 50% effaced. Dr. Rushing said that I seemed like I was ready to have this baby. I said, yes, I am. So he says can you hold on until Friday? I said sure, I can. Or Sunday, he says, those are the days I'm on call. Either one, it's up to you. I thought he meant because he wants to deliver the baby. So I'm laughing, haha, I can pick the day the baby comes you're funny, Dr. Rushing! Then on the way out a lady I've never met before says I think I need to talk to you. Oh really? How so? I ask. Are you Kari? I said yes, and she replies I need to schedule your induction. Oh!!! He was SERIOUS?! WOW. Dr. Rushing is such a jokester that I thought he was kidding. Ok, I say, can I have a minute to think about it? She gave me her card and said to call her back once I decide. So, either way, we will have a baby by the end of the week. I had a feeling I would get to the Dr. today and he would tell me to go present to the hospital. Well, it panned out, although not to the exact way I thought. Also, Dapo and I have both been feeling as though we would not be at church next Sunday (the 15th). So, it seems as though our inclinations were accurate. We are agreeing, however, that my body will go into labor on its own, without need for the induction.

Monday, July 9, 2007

You're still here?

Everyone is anxiously anticipating not seeing me anymore. I get various "oohs" and "ahs" and "oh that poor woman" from passer bys. I feel like a circus freak.
I also get "you're still here?" I know people mean well. But, just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm not human. Your emotions actually stay intact your entire pregancy. In fact, they become heightened.
For instance one woman turned to me in her sweet Southern accent and said, "you look like you are having twins!" That's always a boost for self esteem in your ninth month of pregnancy, eh? I wanted to say, "So do you and I'm pregnant. What's your excuse?" Of course, sanity prevailed and I grinned and said, "no, just one". Or, "you look like you are about to pop" (at 36 weeks, mind you). Yes, I am about to in the face. Then, there are those people who put it mildly, "you look like you are fixin' to have that baby any minute." And these are all the same people who were telling me back in my sixth month I was barely beginning to show. Now they want me to stop showing? I just can't make them happy!
One dear soul when responding to my answer of being 38 weeks along said "oh, really? You look great! It must be all baby" I kissed her. Not really, but I sure wanted to. She was the exception to the rule.
We were at a wedding on Saturday, and a teenager from church commented to me that she thought pregnant bodies were sexy. Her comment embarrased her teen brother sitting next to her, but I said it is hard to feel sexy when you are constantly being put down and made to feel large. People don't realize that they say the rudest things to pregnant women (oh, you are so big!) that they would never dream of saying to fat women. Then our husbands are left to pick up the pieces and assure us of our sex appeal.
Could it be that they forget the way they felt when they gained 35 pounds? And, only 10 of it is baby?
I know it isn't one would really purposely make you feel so rotten. The irony is that most of the insensitive comments come from women. Most of the nice or indifferent comments come from men.
Nonetheless, yes, I am still here. And not only that, but I'm not even due until the 21st. Trust me, I am looking forward to not being here (and being home with my baby) more than you are looking forward to seeing me gone. Oh, and when I come back, be sure to tell me how great I look!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Labor or not?

I guess the most frustrating part of the process is waiting for labor to start as if I'm expecting the big bang or something. I woke up with a little discomfort in my back, and cramping in my abdomen. I am feeling nauseous and would love to go back to sleep. Dapo went back to bed after comforting me through the pain I was feeling. But, I could be feeling the lightening, or it could be labor. I guess if it were labor I would know it. Or so I think. The thing that had me concerned is that I could not feel the baby as much today as I focused on whether or not what I was feeling lined up with what the books say to look for. If need be, I can call my Dr. tomorrow and either present at the hospital to be checked, or go into his office.
We prayed for Godly wisdom to help us discern between true and false labor, altough I am not able to put any kind of a tag on anything I'm feeling. The main thing is that I'm going to look for something to happen consistently, and when it does, that's how I'll know.
We don't want to wait too long to determine labor symptoms, as my mom has at least an 8 hr commute ahead of her, depending on what time of the day I call her. Delta has five flights scheduled out of PDX headed to ATL (the most common hub for flying into HSV). Those times are 6 am, 730 am, 1130 am, 2 pm, and 10 pm. We also do not want to issue a five alarm alert, either, and have her sit around and twiddle her thumbs while her quarterly taxes sit unfiled at work.
At the appointed time, the Lord will take him from my womb. As the Bible says in the 71st Psalm, "By You I have been upheld from birth; You are He who took me out of my mother's womb."

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

4 cm

Today I saw Dr. Rushing again. My stats were the norm: gained 3 lbs, blood pressure 114/76. My strep test came back negative. The baby's heartbeat was in the 140's. My uterus measured at 37 cm and I said, "37? Last week I was at 38!" I was a little discouraged to hear I had gone backwards. Dr. Rushing said that the baby had dropped and his head was in the pelvis, so that is why I would measure smaller. He asked if I had any questions, and I said I would like to know if he could tell how big the baby is. He felt around and said, "I'd say a little over 7 lbs." To which Dapo responded, that's how big I was when I was born! He looked so proud, but I had to let him know that as long as the baby is inside of me he will keep growing 1/2 lb a week. Mum Eso probably didn't have as much ice cream as I did...
So then Dr. Rushing checks me. And, it is a little uncomfortable, and last time it was not uncomfortable. When he checked me he said, "oh, yeah, he's dropped a lot". He said you are dialated, too. I said, I am not surprised to hear that since
I was cramping for most of the weekend. (Dapo, however, was shocked. Oops, I should have shared that bit of intuition I had with him). I asked him what I was dialated to? 1? Maybe 2? FOUR he says. Wow. I wanted to start crying I was overcome with knowing that the baby was so close to coming to be held in my arms. I said it's not time to call my mom yet, though? And he said no.
I asked if the baby was going to come early and he said "probably". Then he said come back and see me in a week, "if you make it till then."
So I called my mom and told her she needs to get a little suitcase together, just to be ready to come early. Evidently she has a big week at work next week (I do, too) so she wanted him to wait until after the 15th, so she can fill her quarterly taxes. I think that the 14th would be a good day to be born; 07.14.07, but he'll be born at the appointed time.

Sunday, July 1, 2007


Today was an interesting day, with only a few hours of sleep last night to work with. I had cramping from the time I woke up (7am) to around the time I took a nap (2pm). I called my mom and I said I think he might be dropping, but I haven't felt him drop. She said, well it's not a rubber ball, you know, you won't feel him DROP. Evidently the cramping is him being ready to be ready to be born.
The ladies at church are giving me a hard time about jumping during the praise and worship. The baby is already dropping, so I don't know what is to worry about.
I feel like I have to pee so badly (more than usual) but when I go to go there is just trickles. But the pressure feels like it feels when you haven't been able to go all day.
Today is July 1st and it is exciting for the calendar to be on the same month as the baby is due. Dapo and I both think the baby might come a little early. I have felt like a ton of bricks are laying on me as I try to get out of bed...I am just so heavy and carrying the weight is beginning to wear on me. I have started having a little heartburn at night, also. I've been taking Tums at bedtime and that usually staves it off.
I guess we will see at our next Dr. visit on Tuesday pm if there is anything exciting going on with me, other than I am closer to having the baby.
Till then.