Monday, July 9, 2007

You're still here?

Everyone is anxiously anticipating not seeing me anymore. I get various "oohs" and "ahs" and "oh that poor woman" from passer bys. I feel like a circus freak.
I also get "you're still here?" I know people mean well. But, just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm not human. Your emotions actually stay intact your entire pregancy. In fact, they become heightened.
For instance one woman turned to me in her sweet Southern accent and said, "you look like you are having twins!" That's always a boost for self esteem in your ninth month of pregnancy, eh? I wanted to say, "So do you and I'm pregnant. What's your excuse?" Of course, sanity prevailed and I grinned and said, "no, just one". Or, "you look like you are about to pop" (at 36 weeks, mind you). Yes, I am about to in the face. Then, there are those people who put it mildly, "you look like you are fixin' to have that baby any minute." And these are all the same people who were telling me back in my sixth month I was barely beginning to show. Now they want me to stop showing? I just can't make them happy!
One dear soul when responding to my answer of being 38 weeks along said "oh, really? You look great! It must be all baby" I kissed her. Not really, but I sure wanted to. She was the exception to the rule.
We were at a wedding on Saturday, and a teenager from church commented to me that she thought pregnant bodies were sexy. Her comment embarrased her teen brother sitting next to her, but I said it is hard to feel sexy when you are constantly being put down and made to feel large. People don't realize that they say the rudest things to pregnant women (oh, you are so big!) that they would never dream of saying to fat women. Then our husbands are left to pick up the pieces and assure us of our sex appeal.
Could it be that they forget the way they felt when they gained 35 pounds? And, only 10 of it is baby?
I know it isn't one would really purposely make you feel so rotten. The irony is that most of the insensitive comments come from women. Most of the nice or indifferent comments come from men.
Nonetheless, yes, I am still here. And not only that, but I'm not even due until the 21st. Trust me, I am looking forward to not being here (and being home with my baby) more than you are looking forward to seeing me gone. Oh, and when I come back, be sure to tell me how great I look!

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