Saturday, May 24, 2008

Mother's Day

Well, it has been quite awhile since I have blogged. Jimi has grown leaps and bounds and it is funny to think back on his first encounter with solids. He is now taking liquids from a sippy cup and refusing to be fed like a baby. He wants big boy food, and he wants to do it himself! He is VERY fast at crawling, and is cruising around, holding himself up on furniture and hopping from spot to spot.

He is the most adorable boy on the face of the earth! Since I'm not working, we hang out all day long together. It's a lot of work, but it is a lot of fun, too. He looks like his daddy, but he's got my outgoing personality, smile and bubbly personality. Oh, and my humility, too. ;)

Mother's Day was simply marvelous. I didn't have to lift a finger, and got to eat my favorite meal for dinner...breakfast. Dapo and Jimi got me a nice, thoughtful gift bag of bath salts, soaps, lotions and etc. A wonderful gift considering I just spent a week sanding, painting and changing the hardware of the master bathroom cabinets. I also painted it a nice ocean color to match the beautiful picture of the most beautiful beach I have ever personally been to. It was from a trip Dapo and I made in June of '07 when I was 8 mos with Jimi. The water felt so wonderful on my back. I bought a pic of the beach as a souvie and have since framed it and put it in the master bath. Being a mother can be taxing, so I wanted a place I could retreat to and go to a happy place. So, after all the work, a trip to Pier One and now my Mother's Day gift, I love my bathroom. I capped the day off with a long jet bath...ahhhh!

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