Wednesday, January 7, 2009


When I was pregnant with Jimi, we called him Junior until he was born and named. Now that I am pregnant with a girl, we have been calling her Sissy. Jimi began to do the cutest thing about a month or two ago. He has noticed my stomach growing larger and larger. He started to rub it. When he would rub it, I would say, "that's Sissy in there!" I know he's too young to get it, but at least he'll be familiar with the word Sissy.

Nowadays, he comes up to me, rubs my stomach and says, "sissy". He also rubs his own stomach and says "sissy". Hehe. He has new words like car, tree, shoe, bubble, balloon, more, hi and bottle.

He has recently taken up the art of digging through the garbage and pulling out miscellaneous items. It is usually a water bottle, plastic is his favorite to play with. However, sometimes he likes to throw things in the garbage. This all started on Christmas, with him helping pick up the wrapping paper and throw it away. He got so many "good boy"s that I think he decided to start throwing everything away. To date we have found a remote, a shirt, a shoe, and various assorted toys.

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