Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Old Emails #1

This is a snippet from an old email, when I wasn't sure I was pregnant or not. I had taken one pregnancy test which said "no" (it was the 2nd of a 2-pack, and the first was 10 months earlier) and I had called my OB/GYN to say, what can I do to know? The RN suggested I could go have blood drawn, or wait a few days to take another test. I sent Dapo to Dan's to buy a First Response test, which I actually took on Friday night (November 17, 2006). This email was written to a very intuitive and assertively curious friend of mine at work, on Monday the 20th (after the test)...

"I am sorry I didn't call you yesterday...I didn't go to the hospital for the blood draw. I am just TOO busy. The movers are here now and I am trapped into this corner of the apt. After we are done with the movers all day Dapo I have dentist/thesis appointments tomorrow and then we have to clean and then we drive across country and then I get on a plane and then and then and then. As you can see I'm feeling a little stress. I made an appt. w/ my obgyn for next week. We'll do a blood test at that time. I definitely feel some symptoms and not others, so it could just be stress. i.e. I seem to be sensitive to smells, headaches, peeing, but my breasts aren't sore, no morning sickness, etc. But, I talked to Dapo and he doesn't want us to talk about it until we're ready to announce it...if anything needs announced."

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