Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Old Emails #5

This email was written to a friend of mine in Oregon on 1/17/07:

" I thought you would enjoy hearing the news. I'm due on July 21st. We will find out the baby's sex for sure, but have to wait about another month. I am a little spacey, switching words around, using wrong words, not remembering things, etc. I'm assured this is because of the hormones and not because I'm losing my mind and/or going crazy.

I think of you because I've been having LOTS of straaaange dreams, tornadoes in some, old friends in others, and of course I am eating in lots of them! It reminds me of my Phase 1 dieting days. I have really not had any of the bummer symptoms, I've been eating good, and feel good. The only thing is I am not exercising. I have no excuse."

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