Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Old Emails #3

This email is written to my brother-in-law's girlfriend, On 1/5/7:

"We had a wonderful Christmas, presumably our last "quiet" one. I hope yours was good as well.
No, we have not found out if we are having a boy or a girl, but it will only be ONE baby. Dapo's mom and sisters want twins. Not this time anyhow. Yes, Dapo is happy to be a daddy. Baba omo mi, in Yoruba, my baby's father. We had our 2nd visit this week, and got to see the baby on ultrasound and watch it's heart beat."

What I wrote reminds me...when our Doctor was doing the ultrasound on 1/4, he was being very thorough and looking behind the image he saw on the screen. When he told us there was only one baby, I looked away from the screen to Dapo and Dr. Rushing said, "oh, no, wait a minute". I whipped my head back to the screen as he said, "I am just kidding." Oh boy, this guys a comedian!

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