Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Old Emails #2

This email is written to a cousin of mine in Washington on December 27, 2006:

"I heard you were @ Dan & Jody's on Christmas...and heard the news, eh? I was actually going to write you after Christmas and tell you, but wanted my bro to know first. I guess Aunt Charlene & Uncle Joe accidentally found out from my mom and dad because they had planned to tell them and I said are you kidding, they can't know before Dan. So, I told my mom that and my dad didn't get the message. Oh, well. We are excited, and I am due on 07/21/07. Perhaps he or she will come early, like 2 weeks and it can be born on 07/07/07."

I now no longer wish for the baby to be born early just to have a "perfect" birthday. I want him to be born after a full term, fully prepared for this world.

Also, the story is I had called right before my aunt & uncle showed up at my folks'. My parents had planned on announcing the news, until I said the above to my mom. But, my mom didn't get a chance to tell my dad because by the time she got off the phone they were already there. My dad says, "so are we going to tell them?" and my mom says "well, we can't anymore", and it didn't take too much detective work for my aunt and uncle to figure it out.

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