Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Old Emails #4

This email is not really an email about my pregnancy, but it captures a snapshot in time. It was circulated at the beginning of 2007:

1. Last movie you saw in 2006? The Holiday. Not my favorite.

2. What you were doing when it turned 2007? Sleeping.

3. Did you get a New Years kiss? Not until the morning.

4. What time did you go to bed? 10:45...hey, I tried, but it was midnight somewhere.

5. What did you do on New Years Eve? Hung out with Dapo at home.

6. What was the best thing from 2006? There were lots of wonderful things, but the best has to be finding out I'm having a healthy baby in 07.

8. What are you most looking forward to in 2007? Being a mom.

9. Any trips planned for 2007? Dapo and I are going to drive to the Florida panhandle for our 2nd anniversary in March. We're flying to Utah for his graduation ceremony in May.

10. Goals/Wishes for the New Year? That my friends and family would prosper and be in good health, even as their souls prosper.

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