Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Second Time Around

I have been looking back on when I was preg w/Jimi. I was so fortunate with him. With this baby for the most part, I feel good, a lot like I remember with Jimi. I am tired a lot, hot, and cranky. My back feels sore in my nerves, similiar to how my tailbone felt when I broke it. I know that's strange (may or may not be related to pregnancy), but I just take a nap when I can, and it usually feels better by the time I wake up. If not, I'll take a Tylenol. I really don't like taking medications, esp. when pregnant. But, I'm okay with 500 mg on occassion.

I didn't so much as take one tablet the entire time I was pregnant with Jimi. I don't know if I was over cautious or crazy, or what. I know a lot of women are less contientious about the quality of their diet, nutrition, etc. the second time around. I really intend to try to meet or beat my weight gain that I had with Jimi (28 lbs., and I lost it all by my 6 wk checkup). It is so hard when ice cream is so good, though.

I haven't really been having any cravings lately, except that pickles are good and I am enjoying all forms of farm animals: mainly hamburger, bacon, sausage... sorry for all you vegetarians out there. I guess I'm a meatatarian!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha ha... meat and pickles and ice cream! Nothing too disgusting yet, as long as you dont mix them all together!