Monday, June 30, 2008

Walking in my sleep

We have a double-sided fireplace which separates our living room from our "sun room". You can see through the fireplace into the sun room. I had a dream that I was watching Jimi from the living room and he was walking all around the sun room. But, once he'd see me look at him, he'd get down and start crawling. He had been walking all this time and we didn't know it because he didn't want us to know that he could.

Which reminds me of an anecdote. I was at Costco recently and a lady told me how cute Jimi was and asked me how old he is and if he was walking. I told her he was 11 months and no, not yet. I mentioned that he is heavy (26 lbs), so I am ready whenever he is. I also said that I have been told I will regret ever saying I wish he'd learn to walk. She relayed, "you spend the first year of their life wanting them to walk and talk and the rest of their life telling them to sit down and shut up".

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