Thursday, June 26, 2008

Poker Face

I guess this is more of a dream blog than a pregnancy blog, but that's all that there really is to write about with this pregnancy. "I am very tired" every day would get old.

Last night I dreamt that this fat guy with Jersey gold chains and a limo challenged Dapo and some other guys to a poker game. Dapo was losing but so was everyone else, because the fat guy was just going to town. I have a bad habit of intervening when loved ones are struggling, and even in real life I do this way too much to Dapo. It can come off as emasculating. Anyhow, in the dream all these guys were losing and I waited to help because I am trying to do better.

I could finally bear it no more and asked to be dealt in. Dapo handed me a $50 to buy in with and I said, "can you afford to lose this if I fail?" He said yes, that he could and it was mine to lose or win with. My plan was to sit to Dapo's right and this guy's left, taking hits where I should not take hits so as to make him not to get good cards. I guess my plan wasn't to win, but rather to stop the fat man from winning. I didn't want to win, I just didn't want Dapo to lose.

What an odd dream. I wish I could tell you I saved the day by saying "hit me" but I don't know, because the dream suddenly took a turn towards the airport. I had to land a plane to pick up my friends the Dodges and her parents. Landing a plane is hard, at least in my dreams. I can't exactly piece the rest of the parts together, because they were so obscure.

Gotta love those hormones.

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