Friday, June 20, 2008

Mascara and Paintings

I had a dream that I was at a general store on a busy street where I ran into this famous painter lady. She kept talking about needing mascara, asking me if I had any, asking the clerk where they stocked it, etc. She had three empty bottles and kept trying to shake them down to get some out. I told her I was sorry I didn't have any, and she insisted on making me a painting of anything in the whole world. I said that's easy, it'd be of my son. So she said oh I'm not good at portraits so I will connect you with a friend of mine and they will do it for you and she gave me a business card.

I went outside to catch the train/bus and left Jimi on the opposite side of the street in his stroller while I went to go get the tickets. Women would walk up to him, ask where his mother was, and I would wave from across the street. Once or twice my vision of him was obstructed when a car would go by. When I got back across the road, Jimi was gone! I was panicked, and asked everyone where he was. They said that the bus got there, and so they loaded everything up in the bus...including the baby! So I went to the back of the bus where all of the gear was being stored and there was Jimi! Whew! Lesson learned :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok So go and get yourself some good mascara... The new pink cover girl one is good... The end of the dream is kind of nightmarish with Jimi being lost, Panic attack!